GLSL Workshop 2017
GLSL Workshop 2017
in Sendai
"title": "demo",
"author": "ushio",
"description": "test"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
#define PI 3.14159265359
vec3 hsv(float h, float s, float v){
vec4 t = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
vec3 p = abs(fract(vec3(h) + * 6.0 - vec3(t.w));
return v * mix(vec3(t.x), clamp(p - vec3(t.x), 0.0, 1.0), s);
void main(){
// -1 ~ 1 正規化座標系
vec2 p = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) / min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
// vec4 color = vec4(vec3(sin(length(p) * 50.0)), 1.0);
// vec4 color = vec4(vec3(length(p)), 1.0);
float theta = atan(p.y, p.x) / PI;
float v = fract(time + theta * 10.0 + length(p) * 4.0);
// float theta = (atan(p.y, p.x) + PI ) / (PI * 2.0);
gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(v), 1.0);
// vec4 color = vec4(p.x);
// vec4 color = vec4(fract(p * 10.0), 1.0, 1.0);
// gl_FragColor = color;
// if(p.y + sin(time) > 0.0) {
// gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// } else {
// gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// }
vec2 p = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution;
float v1 = mod(floor(sin((gl_FragCoord.x + time * 100.0) * 0.05) + cos(gl_FragCoord.y * 0.05)), 2.0);
vec4 color = vec4(vec3(v1), 1.0);
gl_FragColor = color;
vec4 backcolor = texture2D(backbuffer, gl_FragCoord.xy / min(resolution.x, resolution.y));
"title": "plasma noise",
"author": "ushio",
"description": "plasma noise"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
float plasma(vec2 p)
p *= 20.0;
return (sin(p.x)*0.25+0.25) + (sin(p.y)*0.25+0.25);
void main() {
vec2 pos = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) / resolution.y;
pos.y += sin(gl_FragCoord.x * 0.01 * sin(time));
pos.x += sin(gl_FragCoord.y * 0.01 * sin(time));
gl_FragColor = vec4(plasma(pos));
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;
"title": "チカチカ",
"author": "koi_zoom1",
"description": "チカチカするデモです"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
void main(){
vec2 pos = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 -resolution) / resolution.y;
gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(mod(gl_FragCoord.x ,length(pos+sin(time)))),1.0);
gl_FragColor /= vec4(vec3(mod(gl_FragCoord.y,length(pos+sin(time)))),1.0); *= vec3(cos(time)+pos.x,sin(time)+pos.y,1.0);
"title": "光る球",
"author": "diwao",
"description": "マウス位置と時間経過で色が変化"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
// vec3 get_color() {
// return vec3(sin(time) * 3.0, sin(time) * 4.0, sin(time) * 5.0);
// }
vec3 get_color() {
return vec3(mouse.yx, sin(time));
void main() {
vec2 p = (gl_FragCoord.xy *2.0 - resolution) / resolution.y;
float f = 0.1 / length(p);
gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(f), 1.0);
if (gl_FragCoord.x > 0.0) {
gl_FragColor *= vec4(get_color(), 1.0);
"title": "ぐにゃぐにゃ",
"author": "y_kogawa",
"description": "中央の発光体の輪郭がとろけてる感じ"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
void main(void){
vec2 p = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) / min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
vec3 color = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for(float i = 0.0; i < 6.0; i++){
float j = i + 1.0;
vec2 q = p + vec2(cos(time * j) * 0.5, sin(time * j) * 0.5) * 0.4;
color += 0.06 / length(q);
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);
"title": "dance floor!",
"author": "doxas",
"description": "まるでダンスフロアのような?"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
vec3 hsv(float h, float s, float v){
vec4 t = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
vec3 p = abs(fract(vec3(h) + * 6.0 - vec3(t.w));
return v * mix(vec3(t.x), clamp(p - vec3(t.x), 0.0, 1.0), s);
void main(){
vec2 p = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) / min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
vec3 color = vec3(0.0);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){
float s = sin(time * float(i) * 0.2) * 0.4 * cos(time);
float c = cos(time * float(i) * 0.5) * 0.5 * sin(time);
vec2 q = mat2(c, s, -s, c) * (p + vec2(s, c));
float r = 0.01 / length(q);
float g = 0.02 / length(q);
float b = 0.03 / length(q);
color += vec3(r, g, b) * hsv(float(i) * sin(time), 1.0, 0.2);
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);
"title": "暗黒世界",
"author": "tanshio",
"description": "霞かかった感じになりました"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
#define MULT 10.0
#define MULT_A 20.0
#define MULT_B 20.0
vec4 get_color(vec2 p) {
return vec4(sin(length(p * p * p) * 5.0 + time));
float map(vec3 p) {
return length(mod(p, 2.0) - 1.0) - 0.1;
float rand(vec2 co){
return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);
void main() {
vec2 uv = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) / resolution.y;
vec3 pos = vec3(sin(time), rand(uv), time); //xyz
vec3 dir = normalize(vec3(uv, 1.0));
float t = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < 10;i++) {
vec3 temp = pos + dir * t;
t += map(temp);
} = vec3(t * 0.05);
// += vec3(sin(time) + 0.5)
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;
"title": "転がるドラ○もん",
"author": "koi_zoom1",
"description": "ドラえ○んが転がります!"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
#define wh vec3(1.0)
#define bl vec3(0.0)
#define re vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
#define or vec3(0.8, 0.2, 0.0)
#define be vec3(0.2, 0.5, 1.0)
void ci(vec2 p, vec2 of, float si, vec3 cl, inout vec3 i){
float l=length(p - of);
if(l < si){i=cl;}
void rect(vec2 p, vec2 of, float si, vec3 cl, inout vec3 i){
vec2 q=(p - of) / si;
if(abs(q.x) < 1.0 && abs(q.y) < 1.0){
void ell(vec2 p, vec2 of, vec2 prop, float si, vec3 cl, inout vec3 i){
vec2 q=(p - of) / prop;
if(length(q) < si){
void li(vec2 p, vec2 of, vec2 v,float si, vec3 cl, inout vec3 i){
vec2 q=(p - of) / si;
if(abs(q.x) < v.x && abs(q.y)< v.y){
void sl(bool flg, vec2 p, vec2 of, vec2 v,float si, vec3 cl, inout vec3 i){
float s=sin(0.15);
float c=cos(sin(2.0));
vec2 q;
q=((p * mat2(c, -s, s, c)) - of) / si;
q=((p * mat2(-c, -s, -s, c)) - of) / si;
if(abs(q.x) < v.x && abs(q.y)< v.y){
vec2 rot(vec2 p,float a){
float c = cos(a);
float s = sin(a);
return vec2(
c * p.x - s * p.y,
s * p.x + c * p.y
void main(void){
vec3 dCol=wh;
vec2 p=(gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) /
min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
p = rot(p,time*1.0);;
p.x +=cos(time*2.0)*0.5;
p.y +=sin(time*2.0)*0.5;
ci (p, vec2( 0.0, 0.0), 0.81, bl, dCol);
ci (p, vec2( 0.0, 0.0), 0.8, be, dCol);
ci (p, vec2( -0.0, -0.15), 0.66, bl, dCol);
ci (p, vec2( -0.0, -0.15), 0.65, wh, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(0.19, 0.43), vec2(0.65, 0.7), 0.31, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.19, 0.43), vec2(0.65, 0.7), 0.31, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(0.19, 0.43), vec2(0.65, 0.7), 0.3, wh, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.19, 0.43), vec2(0.65, 0.7), 0.3, wh, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(0.18, 0.42), vec2(0.4, 0.7), 0.15, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.18, 0.42), vec2(0.4, 0.7), 0.15, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(0.2, 0.45), vec2(0.4, 0.7), 0.05, wh, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.16, 0.45), vec2(0.4, 0.7), 0.05, wh, dCol);
ci (p, vec2( 0.0, 0.2), 0.12, bl, dCol);
ci (p, vec2( 0.0, 0.2), 0.11, re, dCol);
rect (p, vec2( 0.04, 0.23), 0.02, wh, dCol);
li (p, vec2( 0.0, -0.12), vec2(0.01, 1.0), 0.2, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.0, -0.45), vec2(0.8, 0.4), 0.51, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.0, -0.45), vec2(0.8, 0.4), 0.5, or, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.0, -0.55), vec2(0.9, 0.3), 0.35, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.0, -0.55), vec2(0.9, 0.3), 0.34, re, dCol);
li(p, vec2( 0.5, 0.0), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.2, bl, dCol);
li(p, vec2(-0.5, 0.0), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.2, bl, dCol);
sl(true,p, vec2( 0.34, -0.05), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.14, bl, dCol);
sl(true,p, vec2(-0.34, 0.05), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.14, bl, dCol);
sl(false,p, vec2( 0.34, -0.05), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.14, bl, dCol);
sl(false,p, vec2(-0.34, 0.05), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.14, bl, dCol);
gl_FragColor=vec4(dCol, 1.0);
"title": "Slime",
"author": "masa",
"description": "Slime with color"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
void main( void ) {
vec2 p = (gl_FragCoord.xy*2.0-resolution) / min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
float a = mix(p.x * p.x, p.y, sin(time));
float l = 0.3 / length(p + a);
gl_FragColor = vec4( vec3( sin(time), cos(time), sin(time) ) * l, 1.0 );
"title": "テレビの砂嵐",
"author": "y_kogawa",
"description": "たまに線が入って乱れるのがそれっぽいような気がします"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
float rand(vec2 co){
return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);
void main(void){
vec2 p = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) / min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
vec3 color = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
color += 1.0 - length(rand(p * sin(time * 0.8) * 0.2));
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);
"title": "4分割",
"author": "diwao",
"description": "4分割してそれぞれ時間差で色変更"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
void main() {
vec2 p = (gl_FragCoord.xy *2.0 - resolution) / resolution.y;
if (p.x > 0.0) {
gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, sin(time * 3.0), 0.5, 1.0);
} else {
gl_FragColor = vec4(sin(time * 0.5), 0.5, 0, 1.0);
if (p.y > 0.0) {
gl_FragColor = vec4(0.5, 0, sin(time * 1.2), 1);
if (p.y > 0.0 && p.x > 0.0) {
gl_FragColor = vec4(sin(time * 2.0), sin(time * 3.0), sin(time * 0.5), 1.0);
"title": "ポテチとめだまやき",
"author": "gyabo",
"description": "じゃがいも不足らしいので、ポテチと目玉焼きをだしました"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
vec2 rand(vec2 pos)
vec2 rand2(vec2 pos)
return rand(rand(pos));
vec4 get_color(vec2 p) {
const float m = 9.0;
return vec4(abs(sin(rand2(p).x * 0.2 + p.x * m + time) + cos(p.y * m * cos(2.5))));
vec2 rot(vec2 p, float a) {
return vec2(
p.x * cos(a) - p.y * sin(a),
p.x * sin(a) + p.y * cos(a)
void main() {
vec2 uv = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) / resolution.y;
uv = rot(uv, mod(time * 0.02, 1.0));
gl_FragColor = get_color(uv); *= mix(vec3(1,2,3), vec3(3,2,1), gl_FragColor.x) * 0.4;
if(length( < 0.97) {
gl_FragColor = get_color(uv * 2.0 + time).yzxw; *= vec3(0,2,5);
float j = 1.0 - dot(uv, uv);
if(mod(time, 6.0) > 3.0) { /= (j) * vec3(1,0,0);
} else { += (j) * vec3(1,0,0);
} *= max(0.0, 1.0 - dot(uv * 0.75, uv));
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;// - fract(time * 3.0);
"title": "工場出荷時ドラえも○",
"author": "koi_zoom1",
"description": "工場出荷時の◯ラえもんです"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
#define wh vec3(1.0)
#define bl vec3(0.0)
#define re vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
#define or vec3(0.8, 0.2, 0.0)
#define be vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.1)
void ci(vec2 p, vec2 of, float si, vec3 cl, inout vec3 i){
float l=length(p - of);
if(l < si){i=cl;}
void rect(vec2 p, vec2 of, float si, vec3 cl, inout vec3 i){
vec2 q=(p - of) / si;
if(abs(q.x) < 1.0 && abs(q.y) < 1.0){
void ell(vec2 p, vec2 of, vec2 prop, float si, vec3 cl, inout vec3 i){
vec2 q=(p - of) / prop;
if(length(q) < si){
void li(vec2 p, vec2 of, vec2 v,float si, vec3 cl, inout vec3 i){
vec2 q=(p - of) / si;
if(abs(q.x) < v.x && abs(q.y)< v.y){
void sl(bool flg, vec2 p, vec2 of, vec2 v,float si, vec3 cl, inout vec3 i){
float s=sin(0.15);
float c=cos(sin(2.0));
vec2 q;
q=((p * mat2(c, -s, s, c)) - of) / si;
q=((p * mat2(-c, -s, -s, c)) - of) / si;
if(abs(q.x) < v.x && abs(q.y)< v.y){
vec2 rot(vec2 p,float a){
float c = cos(a);
float s = sin(a);
return vec2(
(c * p.x - s * p.y) / sin(time),
(s * p.x + c * p.y) / sin(time)
void main(void){
vec3 dCol=wh;
vec2 p=(gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) /
min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
p = rot(p,time*1.0);
p.x +=cos(time*2.0)*0.225;
p.y +=sin(time*2.0)*0.225;
ci (p, vec2( 0.0, 0.0), 0.81, bl, dCol);
ci (p, vec2( 0.0, 0.0), 0.8, be, dCol);
ci (p, vec2( -0.0, -0.15), 0.66, bl, dCol);
ci (p, vec2( -0.0, -0.15), 0.65, wh, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(0.19, 0.43), vec2(0.65, 0.7), 0.31, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.19, 0.43), vec2(0.65, 0.7), 0.31, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(0.19, 0.43), vec2(0.65, 0.7), 0.3, wh, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.19, 0.43), vec2(0.65, 0.7), 0.3, wh, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(0.18, 0.42), vec2(0.4, 0.7), 0.15, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.18, 0.42), vec2(0.4, 0.7), 0.15, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(0.2, 0.45), vec2(0.4, 0.7), 0.05, wh, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.16, 0.45), vec2(0.4, 0.7), 0.05, wh, dCol);
ci (p, vec2( 0.0, 0.2), 0.12, bl, dCol);
ci (p, vec2( 0.0, 0.2), 0.11, re, dCol);
rect (p, vec2( 0.04, 0.23), 0.02, wh, dCol);
li (p, vec2( 0.0, -0.12), vec2(0.01, 1.0), 0.2, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.0, -0.45), vec2(0.8, 0.4), 0.51, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.0, -0.45), vec2(0.8, 0.4), 0.5, or, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.0, -0.55), vec2(0.9, 0.3), 0.35, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.0, -0.55), vec2(0.9, 0.3), 0.34, re, dCol);
li(p, vec2( 0.5, 0.0), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.2, bl, dCol);
li(p, vec2(-0.5, 0.0), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.2, bl, dCol);
sl(true,p, vec2( 0.34, -0.05), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.14, bl, dCol);
sl(true,p, vec2(-0.34, 0.05), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.14, bl, dCol);
sl(false,p, vec2( 0.34, -0.05), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.14, bl, dCol);
sl(false,p, vec2(-0.34, 0.05), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.14, bl, dCol);
gl_FragColor=vec4(dCol, 1.0);
"title": "impluse",
"author": "ushio",
"description": "impluseimpluseimpluse"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
vec3 hsv(float h, float s, float v){
vec4 t = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
vec3 p = abs(fract(vec3(h) + * 6.0 - vec3(t.w));
return v * mix(vec3(t.x), clamp(p - vec3(t.x), 0.0, 1.0), s);
vec3 screen(vec3 a, vec3 b) {
return vec3(1.0) - (vec3(1.0) - a) * (vec3(1.0) - b);
float impulse(float x, float a) {
return (1.0 / a) * x * exp(1.0 - 1.0 / a * x);
void main() {
vec2 p = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) / min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
vec3 color = vec3(0.0);
for(int i = 0 ; i < 20 ; ++i) {
float im = impulse(mod(time + float(i) * 0.01, 0.4), 0.05);
vec2 c = vec2(cos(time + float(i) * 0.2), sin(time + float(i) * sin(time)));
vec3 color_hsv = hsv(float(i) / 20.0 * mix(1.0, 3.0, im), 1.0, 1.0);
float v = 1.0 - smoothstep(0.01, mix(0.05, 0.1, im), fract(-0.1 + pow(distance(p, c) + 0.1, 2.0) * mix(1.0, 0.4, im)));
color = screen(color, vec3(v) * color_hsv);
// for(int i = 0 ; i < 50 ; ++i) {
// vec2 c = vec2(cos(time + float(i) * 0.2), sin(time + float(i) * 0.3));
// float v = 1.0 - smoothstep(0.03, 0.1, distance(p, c));
// color = screen(color, vec3(v));
// }
gl_FragColor.rgb = color;
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;
vec4 backcolor = texture2D(backbuffer, gl_FragCoord.xy / min(resolution.x, resolution.y));
gl_FragColor = mix(backcolor, gl_FragColor, 0.5);
"title": "男と女",
"author": "xxx",
"description": "同じところをいったりきたりしているがすれ違う恋"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
void main(){
vec2 p = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) / min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
float r = 0.1 / length(p + time) + sin(time);
float g = 0.2 / length(p - sin(time));
float b = 0.3 / length(p + cos(time));
gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(r, g, b), 1.0);
"title": "中心がやばいやつ",
"author": "diwao",
"description": "偶然の産物"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
void main() {
vec2 p = (gl_FragCoord.xy *2.0 - resolution) / resolution.y;
float f = sin(time * 0.5) * 50.0 / length(p);
gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(sin(f)), 1.0);
"title": "ごちゃまぜ",
"author": "ao",
"description": "綺麗に見える程度にいろいろ混ぜました"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float time;
#define MAX_TIME 60
float rings(vec2 p)
return sin(length(p)*16.0);
vec4 get_color(vec2 p)
return vec4(sin(length(p) * 70.0));
float map(vec3 p)
float temp = length(mod(p,2.0) - 1.0) - 0.1;
float temp_2 = temp * 3.14;
return sin(temp * time);
vec3 rot(vec3 ip)
float ax = 2.0;
float a = sin(time * ax);
float b = cos(time * ax);
float x = a -b;
float y = b + a;
ip.x *= x;
ip.y *= y;
ip.z *= x*y;
return ip;
float _s(vec2 sp)
vec2 p = sp*10.0 - vec2(10.0);
vec2 i = p;
float c = 1.0;
float inten = 0.01;
float t = time* (1.0 - (1.2 / float(0+1)));
i = p + vec2(cos(t - i.x) + sin(t + i.y), sin(t - i.y) + cos(t + i.x));
c += 1.0/length(vec2(p.x / (sin(i.x+t)/inten),p.y / (cos(i.y+t)/inten)));
c /= 1.0;
c = 1.5-sqrt(c);
c += 2.0;
return c;
void main()
vec2 uv = (gl_FragCoord.xy*2.0 -resolution) / resolution.y;
vec3 pos = vec3(0.0,0.0,-1.0); // xyz
vec3 dir = normalize(vec3(uv,time));
float t = 0.0;
for(int i=0;i<100;i++)
vec3 temp = pos + dir *t;
t += map(temp);
vec3 ip = pos + dir *t;
ip = rot(ip);
ip += _s(uv); = vec3(ip * 0.333);
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;
"title": "波乗り三兄弟",
"author": "doxas",
"description": "あやしげな動き……"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
vec3 hsv(float h, float s, float v){
vec4 t = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
vec3 p = abs(fract(vec3(h) + * 6.0 - vec3(t.w));
return v * mix(vec3(t.x), clamp(p - vec3(t.x), 0.0, 1.0), s);
void main(){
vec2 p = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) / min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
float h = step(10.0, mod((p.x - time * 0.2) * 500.0, 20.0));
float g = sin(p.x * 10.0 + time) * 0.075;
float f = step(p.y + g, 0.0);
float c = cos(time * 1.5) * 2.0 + 1.0;
float d = cos(time * 1.7) * 2.0 + 1.0;
float e = cos(time * 2.0) * 2.0 + 1.0;
vec2 q = p + vec2(c, g);
vec2 r = p + vec2(d, g);
vec2 s = p + vec2(e, g);
float i = pow(0.12 / length(q), 20.0);
float j = pow(0.15 / length(r), 20.0);
float k = pow(0.20 / length(s), 20.0);
float sun = 1.0;
if(f >= 0.0){
sun = 1.5 / length(p);
gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(f * h * sun) * vec3(0.0, 0.5, 1.0) + vec3(i, j, k), 1.0);
"title": "ドラえ○んに見える瞬間",
"author": "koi_zoom1",
"description": "パチモノから本物への間を行ったり来たりします。目の位置が肝!"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
#define wh vec3(1.0)
#define bl vec3(0.0)
#define re vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
#define or vec3(0.8, 0.2, 0.0)
#define be vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.1)
void ci(vec2 p, vec2 of, float si, vec3 cl, inout vec3 i){
float l=length(p - of);
if(l < si){i=cl;}
void rect(vec2 p, vec2 of, float si, vec3 cl, inout vec3 i){
vec2 q=(p - of) / si;
if(abs(q.x) < 1.0 && abs(q.y) < 1.0){
void ell(vec2 p, vec2 of, vec2 prop, float si, vec3 cl, inout vec3 i){
vec2 q=(p - of) / prop;
if(length(q) < si){
void li(vec2 p, vec2 of, vec2 v,float si, vec3 cl, inout vec3 i){
vec2 q=(p - of) / si;
if(abs(q.x) < v.x && abs(q.y)< v.y){
void sl(bool flg, vec2 p, vec2 of, vec2 v,float si, vec3 cl, inout vec3 i){
float s=sin(0.15);
float c=cos(sin(2.0));
vec2 q;
q=((p * mat2(c, -s, s, c)) - of) / si;
q=((p * mat2(-c, -s, -s, c)) - of) / si;
if(abs(q.x) < v.x && abs(q.y)< v.y){
vec2 rot(vec2 p,float a){
float c = cos(a);
float s = sin(a);
return vec2(
(c * p.x - s * p.y) / sin(time*2.0),
(s * p.x + c * p.y) / sin(time*-2.0)
void main(void){
vec3 dCol=wh;
vec2 p=(gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) /
min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
//p = rot(p,time*3.0);
//p.x +=cos(time*2.0)*0.225;
//p.y +=sin(time*2.0)*0.225;
ci (p, vec2( 0.0, 0.0), 0.81, bl, dCol);
ci (p, vec2( 0.0, 0.0), 0.8, be, dCol);
ci (p, vec2( -0.0, -0.15+sin(time)*0.13), 0.66+sin(time)*0.13, bl, dCol);
ci (p, vec2( -0.0, -0.15+sin(time)*0.13), 0.65+sin(time)*0.13, wh, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(0.19, 0.43), vec2(0.65, 0.7), 0.31, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.19, 0.43), vec2(0.65, 0.7), 0.31, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(0.19, 0.43), vec2(0.65, 0.7), 0.3, wh, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.19, 0.43), vec2(0.65, 0.7), 0.3, wh, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(0.18, 0.42), vec2(0.4, 0.7), 0.15, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.18, 0.42), vec2(0.4, 0.7), 0.15, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(0.2, 0.45), vec2(0.4, 0.7), 0.05, wh, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.16, 0.45), vec2(0.4, 0.7), 0.05, wh, dCol);
ci (p, vec2( 0.0, 0.2), 0.12, bl, dCol);
ci (p, vec2( 0.0, 0.2), 0.11, re, dCol);
rect (p, vec2( 0.04, 0.23), 0.02, wh, dCol);
li (p, vec2( 0.0, -0.12), vec2(0.01, 1.0), 0.2, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.0, -0.45), vec2(0.8, 0.4), 0.51, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.0, -0.45), vec2(0.8, 0.4), 0.5, or, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.0, -0.55), vec2(0.9, 0.3), 0.35, bl, dCol);
ell(p, vec2(-0.0, -0.55), vec2(0.9, 0.3), 0.34, re, dCol);
li(p, vec2( 0.5, 0.0), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.2, bl, dCol);
li(p, vec2(-0.5, 0.0), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.2, bl, dCol);
sl(true,p, vec2( 0.34, -0.05), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.14, bl, dCol);
sl(true,p, vec2(-0.34, 0.05), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.14, bl, dCol);
sl(false,p, vec2( 0.34, -0.05), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.14, bl, dCol);
sl(false,p, vec2(-0.34, 0.05), vec2(0.9, 0.03), 0.14, bl, dCol);
gl_FragColor=vec4(dCol, 1.0);
"title": "謎の魔法陣",
"author": "ShoutaWATANABE",
"description": "tan関数がうまく作用して魔法陣のようになりました。"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
float rings(vec2 p)
return sin(length(p)*16.0);
float rings2(vec2 p)
return cos(length(p)*16.0);
float rings3(vec2 p)
return tan(length(p)*16.0);
void main() {
vec2 pos = (gl_FragCoord.xy*2.0 -resolution) / (resolution.x, resolution.y);
gl_FragColor = vec4(sin(rings(pos)*sin(time)),cos(rings3(pos))*cos(time), rings(pos), 1.0);
"title": "色々",
"author": "tanshio",
"description": "向かってくる色"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
float sdCone( vec3 p, vec2 c ){
// c must be normalized
float q = length(p.xy);
return dot(c,vec2(q,p.z));
float plasma(vec2 p)
return (sin(p.x*sin(time))*0.25+0.25)+(sin(p.y*cos(time))*0.25+0.25);
float rand(vec2 co){
return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);
void main() {
vec2 pos = (gl_FragCoord.xy*2.0 -resolution) / resolution.y;
gl_FragColor = vec4(sdCone(vec3(0.0,10.0,10.0),normalize(vec2(1.0,1.0)))); *= vec3(abs(cos(time))/0.2,abs(sin(time))/0.2,tan(time));
gl_FragColor *= vec4(plasma(pos)); *= vec3(rand(pos),rand(pos),rand(pos));
gl_FragColor.a = 0.5;
"title": "sand art",
"author": "ushio",
"description": "sand art"
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution; // resolution (width, height)
uniform vec2 mouse; // mouse (0.0 ~ 1.0)
uniform float time; // time (1second == 1.0)
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; // previous scene texture
vec3 hsv(float h, float s, float v){
vec4 t = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
vec3 p = abs(fract(vec3(h) + * 6.0 - vec3(t.w));
return v * mix(vec3(t.x), clamp(p - vec3(t.x), 0.0, 1.0), s);
vec3 screen(vec3 a, vec3 b) {
return vec3(1.0) - (vec3(1.0) - a) * (vec3(1.0) - b);
float impulse(float x, float a) {
return (1.0 / a) * x * exp(1.0 - 1.0 / a * x);
void main() {
vec2 p = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) / min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
// p.y += 0.2 * sin(p.x * 3.0 + time) * sin(time * 0.3);
// p.x += 0.2 * sin(p.y * 10.0 + time) * sin(time * 0.3);
vec3 color = vec3(0.0);
for(int i = 0 ; i < 50 ; ++i) {
float im = impulse(mod(time + float(i) * 0.01, 0.4), 0.05);
vec3 hsvcolor = hsv(color.r, im, 1.0);
vec2 c = vec2(cos(time + float(i) * 0.2), sin(time + float(i) * sin(time)));
// vec3 color_hsv = hsv(float(i) / 20.0 * mix(1.0, 3.0, im), 1.0, 1.0);
float v = 1.0 - smoothstep(0.3, 4.0, fract(-0.1 + pow(distance(p, c) + 0.1, 1.0)));
// color = screen(color, vec3(v));
color += vec3(v) * hsvcolor;
color = fract(color * mix(0.1, 1.0, sin(time) * 0.5 + 0.5));
// color = hsv(color.r, 1.0, 1.0);
// for(int i = 0 ; i < 50 ; ++i) {
// vec2 c = vec2(cos(time + float(i) * 0.2), sin(time + float(i) * 0.3));
// float v = 1.0 - smoothstep(0.03, 0.1, distance(p, c));
// color = screen(color, vec3(v));
// }
gl_FragColor.rgb = color;
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;
vec4 backcolor = texture2D(backbuffer, gl_FragCoord.xy / min(resolution.x, resolution.y));
gl_FragColor = mix(backcolor, gl_FragColor, 0.5);
"title": "エネルギー的なものが動いてる",
"author": "y_kogawa",
"description": "何だかよくわからないけど綺麗っぽいもの"
precision mediump float;
uniform float time;
uniform vec2 mouse;
uniform vec2 resolution;
void main()
float amplitude = sin(time) * .4;
float glowT = 2.;
float glowFactor = mix( 0.015, 0.035, glowT );
vec2 p = vec2(0.0, 0.8) + 4.*gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;
vec3 c = vec3(.0);
vec3 basecol[4];
basecol[0] = vec3(1., 1.25, .25);
basecol[1] = vec3(.25, 1., .25);
c += basecol[0] * ( glowFactor * abs( 1.0 / tan(p.y + cos( p.x + time ) * amplitude ) )) * (.5-.4*abs(cos(p.x+time*8.)));
c += basecol[1] * ( glowFactor * abs( 1.0 / tan(p.y + cos( p.x + time+2. ) * amplitude ) )) * (.5-.8*abs(cos(p.x+time*8.)));
gl_FragColor = vec4( c, 1.0 );
enjoy shader life
enjoy shader life
thank you!!